Friday, 12 October 2012

Aggravations predicted for The Paper Shop – Clive Mumford’s perspective.

You have to live on Scilly (or another remote island) to understand the aggravation that transport issues can cause you in everyday life.

It has been a bad week for air transport to the Isles of Scilly because of persistant fog and more recently waterlogging of the grass strip at Lands End Airport (same 'stuff' that washed out Clovelly) Fortunately the Scillonian ferry is still running.
In the attached piece Clive Mumford, of the The Paper Shop, explains just how much aggravation disrupted transport is going to cause him this winter.

As he points out:

"If those four days were in a no - ship winter then four days’ papers would be stranded at a fog –bound, cliff – top, airfield".

"In this particular respect a return to (reliance upon) Land’s End is turning the clock back 50 years".
You can read the rest of Clive's item here.

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