Thursday, 8 November 2012

Scottish Federation pleads islanders' case to Minister

Camille Dressler, Chair of the Scottish Islands Federation, wrote to Norman Baker MP, Minister Transport on 21 Oct making the case that no island, whether in Scotland or elsewhere in the UK, should suffer should from lack of regular and affordable links to the mainland. See letter here.

She went on to draw attention to the UK Government’s responsibilities under Article 174 of the Lisbontreaty in relation to islands, mountainous regions and sparsely populated areas. She concluded her letter saying that  " as the Scilly isles have now applied for associate membership of the Scottish Islands Federation, we will be making representation directly to Brussels in that respect".

1 comment:

  1. What an excellent letter - it all helps to build up the pressure on Norman Baker who is clinging to the forlorn hope that 'market forces' will provide a solution.

    Mike Peaker
