Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Isles of Scilly Travel Initiative

A new group has formed to pursue improved travel options for the Isles of Scilly. Their web site is at www.scillytravel.co.uk. They are asking interested persons to contact them (there is an email enquiry form on the website)

This new initiative is not a FRIST inspired initiative although it is welcomed by FRIST and a member of the FRIST Advisory Group is meetings with the founders of the initiative in the near future.

The text below is taken directly from the new website….

The Isles of Scilly travel initiative is being established with the aim of improving travel options to and from the Isles of Scilly. We are looking for people to join us in this venture.

A key objective is to establish a second operator. Doing this will drive healthy competition, adding to the sea and air routes that are available today.

Between now and May 2016, we are gathering information and seeking expressions of interest from anyone who might want to become involved with this venture. We are keen to hear from you, whether you are a traveller with ideas; someone with relevant expertise; or a potential investor. We promise that no correspondence, attributable data or information that you share with us will be disclosed to any other party or published without your express permission.

We are also investigating the best way to structure and fund this venture and aim to take advantage of schemes that allow small businesses and community ventures to offer tax-efficient investments. Alongside this, crowd-funding offers the possibility that ownership and control can be widely distributed.

We do not intend to offer any travel services during 2016, so please book your travel with your usual provider, and we wish you a pleasant journey.

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