Monday 22 January 2018

FRIST Newsletter - Jan 18

Those signed up for FRIST update emails will have already have received the FRIST Newsletter (Jan 18). Below is the text of the email accompanying with links to the newsletter and Penzance Heliport Ltd's website guidance on 'how to help'.

Dear Friends,

FRIST Newsletter - January 2018

With the start of a new year we have reviewed the transport situation and the transport needs of the Isles of Scilly.

Our priorities are: 

•    Positive and immediate news of the start of the helicopter service.

•    Significant improvements in freight services which are currently stifling investment in the Islands.

•     A firm IOSSG commitment to a replacement for the Scillonian III.

•    IOSSG to set up a Public Consultation Panel.

•    A winter ferry service.

•    ‘Aid of a Social Character’ and other economic support.

•     Publication of a Government plan for transport resilience.

To read more please download the FRIST newsletter here


The revised Penzance Heliport planning application is now in the public domain. If you commented on the earlier application we encourage you to do so again but please read the advice here on how you can help before doing so.
Marian Bennett
FRIST Co-ordinator

1 comment:

  1. The beauty of youth is in its wasteful abundance: we make mistakes, lose jobs, break off with lovers, neglect friendships, forget birthdays when we are young. We know we are never far away from a second chance,life bursts with such a pressing immediacy, such an overwhelming vehemence that everything else must wait till we sort out life.
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