Sunday, 17 June 2018

Petition for Helicopter Service to Penzance

The Penzance Heliport application as over 3300 letters of support.  If you have already registered your support here what else can you do?  Well, you can express your support for Samatha Mallon's petition which has the aim of making the Isles of Scilly helicopter service to Penzance a reality.  It already has 11,690 signatures!  How about adding yours!

The wording of the petition is:

We, the residents, visitors and friends of the Isles of Scilly, object to the actions of the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group in seeking to deny us a helicopter service from Penzance.
Penzance is the only logical site as it suffers less from low cloud and fog than Land’s End, is close to transport links and has existing tourist facilities.
We demand that the Directors of the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group put islanders first and cease their attempts to prevent a new helicopter service from Penzance.

We would urge everyone who supports the re-introduction of this vital service to please make your feelings known. If you have already registered your support for the planning application for Penzance Heliport then please consider signing the petition.  Signing takes less than one minute.

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