Wednesday, 31 July 2013

IOS Travel Survey

There is an opportunity for IOS residents and visitors to participate in the CIOS travel survey which can be completed online.   The survey is simple and takens only a couple of minutes to complete.  See CIOS email with links to surveys below:
 From: Pearce, Julian []
Sent: 30 July 2013 09:02
To: Members; All Staff
Subject: IoS visitor travel survey
Dear All,
The travel survey for both residents and visitors is well underway, with 261 ‘phone interviews of residents and 872 online responses from potential and existing visitors received. These surveys have now closed and we are now collecting on line responses from residents (Isles of Scilly Residents' Survey) .

During the survey several people have received requests from visitors who are keen to have their views recorded.
The link below takes you to the visitor survey;

Isles of Scilly Visitor Survey

Please could you forward this link to any visitors who have expressed an interest in completing the survey or you feel might be interested in sharing their preferences.

Many thanks,

Best Regards
Julian Pearce
Economic Development Officer
Council of the Isles of Scilly, Town Hall, St Mary's, Isles of Scilly, TR21 0LW
Direct Line: 01720 424806 | Reception: 01720 424000 | |

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