Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Improved arrangements for private flyers at St Mary’s Airport

FRIST’s Visitor Voice received comments from a regular visitor to the islands about the unsatisfactory arrangements for private flyers using St Mary’s Airport.  The observations included high landing and aircraft parking fees and the inconvenience of having to pay bills by cash. The current requirement to park private aircraft on the far side of the airfield, where the facilities are limited and a long walk to the terminal is necessitated, was also questioned.

FRIST raised the matter with the Airport management at the Council of the Isles of Scilly, and received a very positive response.  Bills can now be paid by cheque, credit or debit card.  The Council has agreed to review the landing and parking charges, and to undertake a comparative costing with other airports to determine if the St Mary’s charges are disproportionate.  Although it may be necessary for private aircraft to park on the far side of the airfield when work on the runways and the terminal building is in progress, FRIST hopes that these contingency plans will only be activated when absolutely necessary and that private flyers will be made to feel as welcome in the future as they have been in the past.

Our thanks to Steve Webster, the Accountable Manager at the Council of the Isles of Scilly, and Howard Cole, the St Mary’s Airport Senior Airside Operations Officer.

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